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Thessaloniki Seafront

48 Hours in Thessaloniki

Last summer we attended a friend’s wedding ceremony at Thessaloniki’s atmospheric Saint Gregory Palamas Holy Metropolitan Church. It was our first visit to this historic city in the north of Greece, so we were keen to have good look around in our limited time there.

Thessaloniki is Greece’s second city, with a population of around a million. It has been at the heart of great empires for centuries, so it is full of historic sites. It’s a very walkable city, with a lot to offer the visitor. Since our visit, the city’s new Metro system has opened, making it even easier to get around.

Great Days Out – the Harvest Experience at Yotes Court Vineyard

For vineyards across Kent, the arrival of October means it is time to start the grape harvest. Now grape picking is one of those activities that sounds rather lovely in theory, but if you have to do it all day you quickly realise it is actually pretty tiring work. Fortunately, some of Kent’s vineyards now offer members of the public an opportunity to try their hand at grape-picking for just a few hours at a “Harvest Experience” day.

Yotes Court Vineyard in early October.

What is a “Harvest Experience?”

A Harvest Experience is essentially an opportunity to come along and help pick grapes at a vineyard, but without having to commit to doing it all day! Typically, this means 2-3 hours spent among the vines doing the actual picking, followed by a hearty lunch, washed down with a few glasses of the vineyard’s own wines.

The Lavender Walk: Shoreham to Castle Farm

One of the loveliest walks in Kent takes you through the beautiful village of Shoreham to the lavender fields at Castle Farm in the Darent Valley. The ideal month to do this walk is July when the lavender is in full bloom and there’s a sea of vivid purple in the valley.

Starting Point

Most people will probably arrive in Shoreham by car, but the village is very accessible by train as well. Shoreham Station is only 200 yards or so from the starting-point of this walk. The narrow lanes of Shoreham mean that it isn’t the easiest place to find parking. If you’re coming by car, my suggestion would be to park along Station Road, down the hill from Shoreham Station.

Sussex – Kingscote Vineyard and the Gravetye Circular Walk

If you follow my blog, you’ll know that I take a keen interest in the Kent vineyard scene. I recently broke ranks and slipped unnoticed across the county border into Sussex to check out the Kingscote Estate and Vineyard.

Some friends in London had organised a walking day in West Sussex last week, loosely following the bucolic route of the “Gravetye Circular” in the High Weald. The route takes you past historic houses, lakes and vineyards and through lots of natural woodland. Knowing of my interest in local vineyards they kindly invited me along. The opportunity to call in at the Kingscote Estate was not to be missed, even if it meant a 7 mile walk on a hot June day! Our walking route actually took us through Kingscote twice.