A professional copywriter will bring these skills to your project

Because It’s All About the Quality of Your Content

If you hire a professional copywriter you won’t need to worry about the quality of your content. That’s because you’ll have someone working with you who’ll bring expertise, ideas, creativity, craft and personality to your project.

In marketing communications it’s hard to overstate the importance of compelling, persuasive content. Many businesses spend big money on website design and other marketing collateral, but if these are filled with poor quality content it can damage your brand. And you probably won’t achieve the results your business was hoping for.

Great Content is an Investment

In 1974, Sumner Redstone, a U.S. media giant, coined the now famous phrase “Content is King”. He was talking about programming in cinemas and on TV, but the sentiment is equally relevant in digital communications. He understood that great content is an investment, and should never be viewed purely as a cost.

Content is King slogan on chalkboard

Is Copywriting Really So Hard?

Perhaps you’re thinking…writing great content doesn’t sound that difficult so I’ll just do it myself and save some money.

In my experience, many businesses underestimate the amount of work that goes into producing compelling content. That’s because there are usually several different elements involved – research, getting the tone of voice right, distilling the key messages, interviewing people, storytelling, editing, re-writing and SEO.

A professional copywriter understands the importance of each and has the skill set to bring them all together for you, the client.

I’ve written a blog about this: Content writing is actually a bit like plastering – plastering is another “trade” that looks quite easy…but definitely isn’t!

Half-baked marketing content won’t cut the mustard and it certainly won’t help you achieve your business goals.

Copywriting is one of those jobs that’s best left to a professional. It takes time, skill and rather a lot of effort.